訪問刊出之後,雖然訪問中除了提到他不再看紙張印刷的報紙外,通篇稿子都是 Nick 對未來充滿信心的正面的訊息,作者仍然飽受同事和長官的抨擊和批評。有圖有真相,禍首就是下面這篇刊在Epiccenter專欄的稿子。
- 雖然出版本書中文版的出版社把書內引用的參考資料放在行人文化實驗室供讀者參考,但我還是喜歡自己動手找資料的感覺。
- Nick Bilton 看起來很酷哦
In the first group we would include (in no particular order) Clustrix, GenieDB, ScalArc,Schooner, VoltDB, RethinkDB, ScaleDB, Akiban, CodeFutures, ScaleBase, Translattice, andNimbusDB, as well as Drizzle, MySQL Cluster with NDB, and MySQL with HandlerSocket. The latter group includes Tokutek and JustOne DB. The associated “NewSQL-as-a-service” category includes Amazon Relational Database Service, Microsoft SQL Azure, Xeround, Database.com and FathomDB.
Kaptein, Nass, & Markopoulos (2010) published a paper in CHI last year found that in the previous year's CHI proceedings, 45% of the papers reported on likert type data but only 8% used non-parametric stats to do the analysis. 95% reported on small sample sizes (under 50 people). This is statistically problematic even if it gets past reviewers!
~ 林徽因 · 馬雁散文集 · 蓮燈 ~ 馬雁 在她的散文《高貴一種,有詩為證》裡,提到「十多年前,還不知道林女士的八卦及成就前,在期刊上讀到別人引用的《蓮燈》」 覺得非常喜歡,比之卞之琳、徐志摩,別說是毫不遜色,簡直是勝出一籌。前面的韻腳和平仄的處理顯然高於戴...