Wikipedia 的文章是這麼說的
The first Turkish coffeehouse in England was set up in Oxford by one Jacob or Jacobs, a Turkish Jew, in 1650. The first coffeehouse in London was opened two years later in St. Michael's Alley in Cornhill. The proprietor was Pasqua Rosée, the Ragusan servant of a trader in Turkish goods named Daniel Edwards, who imported the coffee and assisted Rosée in setting up the establishment.The Coffee Book 的說法和 Wikipedia 的文章差不多,書中插圖 The Timeline of Coffee History 在 1650年標示第一家咖啡屋在 Oxford。而 Encyolpedia.com 的文章 The rise and fall of English coffee houses,則是說
The first English coffee house was opened in 1652 by a Greek Orthodox servant from western Turkey, Pasqua Rosee, in the City of London, already England's financial capital. He worked for a Turkish merchant named Edwards. His coffee house was sponsored by merchants from the Levant Company, the trading house that organized trade with the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey). Levant Company officials had become accustomed to drinking coffee--the coffee bean was called the 'Mahometan berry'--during their extended trips across the Ottoman Empire and wished to have coffee when back in London.不過 About.com 介紹咖啡歷史的文章 The Evolution of Coffee House,則是只用一句 "Coffee establishments continued to spread, with the first one opening up in Britain in 1652." 交代這件事。
雖然不同出處的資料略有出入,綜合以上從網路得到的資料,對照 The Coffee Book 的原文, 我們可以得到一個還算可以接受的結論:大不列顛第一家咖啡屋,在1650年成立於 Oxford;而倫敦(London)第一家咖啡屋的成立時間,是 Oxford 咖啡屋開門的兩年後,西元 1652 年。
TIPS 這個英文字,也是發源自咖啡屋,意思是 To Insure Prompt Service,咖啡屋文化可真是多采多姿...
Drafted: 2007/07/04
Published: 2007/07/20
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