- a. Using a journalistic inverted pyramid style, where you begin your post with the most important text first, answering typical journalist questions such as ‘who,’ ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’? paragraph.
- b. With a story or anecdote or case study that might capture visitors’ attentions rather than first providing the central fact or opinion behind your post.
- c. With a statistic that might surprise or generate responses or both.
- d. In a question and answer format, where you provide a set of questions and their answers, possibly starting with what you might consider to be the most important question and answer.
- e. Following a narrative or timeline, where you begin at the beginning and work forward in time.
- f. In a conventional essay style like you might have learned at school, where you build a foundation for an idea or set of concepts and then show the conclusion.
- g. By referring to someone elses’ blog post or article or a news story, and stating that you agree with some of it, all of it, or none of it, and then explaining why.
- h. Asking your reader to imagine some hypothetical situation, or asking them to call up some memory.
- i. With a straightout question, meaningful or even rhetorical, possibly in a ploy to generate comments and discussion.
- j. Addressing a specific person, and writing to them.
- k. By disclosing something about yourself that your readers may not have known.
- l. With a definition that describes a concept that is central to your post.
- m. With a picture or illustration that highlights some aspect about what you want to blog about.
- n. By laying some foundation for your expertise on a subject based upon your previous experiences or education or both?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
誰來教我 (II)
SEO by the SEA 的 Bill Slawski 一口氣列出 14 種寫作部落格文章的破題手法,你最常用的是那一種(幾種)? (看到 Bill Slawski 的分析,突然想到兩年半前的舊文:誰來教我 寫博文)
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~ 林徽因 · 馬雁散文集 · 蓮燈 ~ 馬雁 在她的散文《高貴一種,有詩為證》裡,提到「十多年前,還不知道林女士的八卦及成就前,在期刊上讀到別人引用的《蓮燈》」 覺得非常喜歡,比之卞之琳、徐志摩,別說是毫不遜色,簡直是勝出一籌。前面的韻腳和平仄的處理顯然高於戴...
我向來不是很關注 Conference 的訊息,但是這學期開學後,一個月內接連聽到好幾個老師談他們對學術會議「 價值 」的看法,促使我反省原先的態度,所以這幾天作了一點功課。我發現下面三個 Conference Ranking 的列表頗有參考價值,抄錄於後,一則是備忘,再則分享給...
這是很多年前的舊文了,最近有些網友找到這篇文章,於是有了一些很有意思的對話,我記錄在下面兩篇文章,如果您有興趣,也歡迎看看這些簡短的記錄,批評指教。謝謝。 如何評估推薦系統(二) 記一次推薦系統對話 ----- 任何工作,包括學術研究與商業專案,都必須有衡量成績...
最近,有個朋友接了個不大不小( 不是 quick and dirty 的小案,但也不是可以讓供應商穿金戴銀的數字,所以叫做不大不小 )的系統開發案,甲、乙雙方為了文件交付標準,起了不小的爭執。經過協調,最後兩方都同意不用 CMMI 的標準(天曉得什麼是 CMMI 文件標準),改用...
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