Friday, January 7, 2011


以培養創意為核心業務的顧問公司Idea Champions 今日在公司部落格發表一篇文章談 100 個拖延的理由,那些耳熟能詳的藉口比如說:沒錢、沒時間、這種事情我幹不來、老闆一定不會同意啦,不出意外的高列排行榜前十。

1. I don't have the time.
2. I can't get the funding.
3. My boss will never go for it.
4. Were not in the kind of business likely to innovate.
5. We won't be able to get it past legal.
6. I've got too much on my plate.
7. I'll be punished if I fail.
8. I'm just not not the creative type.
9. I'm juggling way too many projects.
10. I'm too new around here.

Idea Champions 果然「專業」,硬是找出了100個藉口,第97個藉口 - 那是研發部門的工作 - 着實讓我無言,我這個自認為是正宗研發的散人,要推給什麼部門才好咧?

96. That's my boss's job.
97. That's R&D's job.
98. I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't.
99. First, we need to benchmark the competition.
100.It's against my religion.

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~ 林徽因 · 馬雁散文集 · 蓮燈 ~ 馬雁 在她的散文《高貴一種,有詩為證》裡,提到「十多年前,還不知道林女士的八卦及成就前,在期刊上讀到別人引用的《蓮燈》」 覺得非常喜歡,比之卞之琳、徐志摩,別說是毫不遜色,簡直是勝出一籌。前面的韻腳和平仄的處理顯然高於戴...